Laser projection in the textile industry 

Laser projection can be used profitably in practically every industry. Starting with woodworking as early as the 1980s, new industries were added at short intervals. The advantages are practically always the same in the end: Set-up times are shortened, the precision of the work is increased and costly errors with corresponding rejects are avoided.

This is no different with the use of laser projectors in the textile industry with its many different manifestations.

Laserprojektion in der Textilindustrie Laserprojektion in der Textilindustrie
Laserprojektion in der Textilindustrie Laserprojektion in der Textilindustrie
Laserprojektion für Schwimmbadabdeckungen Laserprojektion für Schwimmbadabdeckungen
Textilindustrie - SL-Laser GmbH Textilindustrie - SL-Laser GmbH

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Laserprojektion für Segel, Markisen, Bezüge und Heißluftballons

Laser projection for sails, marquees, covers and hot-air balloons

It doesn’t matter whether the contours and the best material utilisation are required or whether complicated cutting patterns are to be projected onto the material: A ProDirector 7 or, in confined spaces, the ProDirector 7 LR allow precise work. The CAD program or OEM software connects via an interface to the SL Laser software, which can be adapted as required, and the projector projects the specifications onto the workpieces on a 1:1 scale. The employees are carefully instructed in this type of work and after a short time they are able to carry out the necessary steps themselves. Frustration is reduced and the results are impressive.

Laser projection and perfect measurements for swimming pools or solar installations

The covers for swimming pools and solar installations have to fit exactly to the specifications. The necessary cuttings are no problem with the help of ProDirector 7. But manually recording the required data is quite a time-consuming and error-prone job. With the mobile measurement system ProCollector L, these measurement data can not only be collected easily and precisely. The data is also immediately converted and can be transferred to a CAD programme. The CAD programme then provides the control for the ProDirector 7, which displays the precise 1:1 cutting pattern. Working with the ProCollector L becomes routine after only a short period of familiarisation. In this way, both systems complement each other and revolutionise your work processes.

Feel free to contact us and tell us about your needs. Our advice is in your interest and will satisfy you.